Tuesday, March 26, 2013


Hello everyone, see again with me on wonderful blog about Italy. 
Now in this post, i will share to you about education aspect of Italy. 
Do you want to know more, guys? 
Alright! Please check this one out!

During the Middle Ages, Italian universities became the model for other countries. In addition, Italy was the teacher of the liberal arts to all Europe, especially for Greek language and literature. The educational influence of Italy continued when universities on Italy were European centers of teaching and research in the sciences. The biggest achievement in education world of Italy was when Italian education regained international notice in the 20th century about the method for teaching young children developed by Maria Montessori.
The modern educational system of Italy provide complete school system that extended from the elementary through the university levels. In 1923 the philosopher Giovanni Gentile, minister of public instruction under Benito Mussolini, promoted complete governmental control of education. 

Education is free and compulsory for all children aged 6 through 14. The compulsory term includes five years of elementary and three years of secondary education. From the ages of 14 to 18 students may attend a higher secondary school to gain specialized training or to prepare for university entrance. Higher secondary studies may be taken in classical, scientific, teacher-training, foreign language, technical, or business schools. A student may also enter an art institute or conservatory of music.

Universities in Italy are very popular worldwide. Six Italian universities were founded in the 13th century and five in the 14th. The oldest is the University of Bologna, dating from the 11th century, and the largest is the University of Rome. Moreover, there are also polytechnic institutes at Milan and Turin and several private universities. The largest private university is the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart at Milan.
one of university in Italy

Okay.. that’s all about the education of Italy. Hopefully you get so much information from it. And I hope you might be interested to study there. 
 Okay see you in the next post. Byeee ;)  


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