Thursday, January 10, 2013


Hi everyone! This is my first blog in 2013. Happy New Year for you all!  On the latest post, I’ve told you about the plants - vegetation of Italy. Do you still want to know more about it? I will share to you then.
Dolomite Alps
 On this post, I will  share to you about the geography and land  of  Italy because there are  interesting things that I need to tell you about it. The area of Italy is 301.323 square kilometers. Italy is bordered by Switzerland and Austria on the north. While on the south, it’s bordered by the Mediterranean Sea. Additionally, the highest point in Italy is the summit of  Mont Blanc. The dolomite Alps is the popular spot in Italy because of its beauty. The dolomite Alp is famous because of their steep slopes.
Lake Garda
Italy has several rivers. The most popular rivers in Italy are the Po and the Adige. Both rivers have little role in navigation and industry of Italy because most rivers in Italy are often dry during the summer. Moreover, Italy also has many beautiful lakes. They are Garda, Maggiore, Como, and Lugano. Several beautiful large lakes in Italy lie in beautiful settings on the mountains.
The next thing about Italy that I’m  going to tell you is  about climate. Different from Indonesia which has tropical climate, Italy’s climate is diversified. On the Alp, the climate is frigid, while on the lower Peninsula the climate is semitropical. Those variation of climate happened because of  the cold of Apennines and wind from seas. Heavy rain occurs in Italy during the fall and winter.
The last thing that I will share to you is natural resources of Italy. Many sources says that Italy is poor in natural resources. The reason is the land of the land in Italy is not fit for agriculture becouse of the climate there. Additionally, Italy also lacks of basic natural resources for instance iron,coal, and petroleum. Though Italy lacks of basic natural resource, there are the most important mineral resource of Italy which is natural gas. On the other hand, Italy has prosperity in variety of bulding stone which are marble.
Alright. I think, I have told you many things about Italy. On this post, our knowledge will increase because we know more about Italy’s geography, land, climate, and natural resource. Hopefully you like it. See you on the next post! I will tell you another wonderful thing about Italy. 
Bye, thank you.  :)


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