Friday, April 26, 2013


Hello everyone! :D 
I feel so happy that I can post in my post again this time. 
How’s life? Hopefully, we all are in the good health and condition. 
On this post, I will not write about Italy anymore, but I’ll write about something completely different which is about the waste management in my school. 
Hopefully you like it. Please enjoy it, guys. 
I am study at SMAK Kolose Santo Yusuf Malang. My school is located on Jalan Simpang Borobudur 1 Malang. The location of my school in on the croweded sorrounding. It is near to the public market and the street is always crowded. There are absolutely the bad pollution such as smoke and waste. Therefore, all members in my school from headmaster, teachers, students, securities, janitors, etc should do many effort in order to make the comfortable environment of studying. In this case, the comfortable environment need to be clean and healthy. One way that may be done is by managing the waste of my school itself. There are about a thousands and five hundreds members consist of students and educators who are always do wasting day by day.So, the waste management should be organized carefully because of the huge waste produced. 

students need to organize the organic and unorganic waste by providing the two kinds of dustbin ; yellow dustbin for organic waste and red dustbin for unorganic waste. All the school members must throw away their waste on the right dustbin. If they don’t, there will be the clear school rule that forbid it.

after organizing the unorganic and organic waste, there will be a schedule for each class. The class which are on schedule must do the following tasks. They must organize all the waste on that day into one place. All the waste are taken from all the yellow and red dustbin . The waste on red dustbin must be put on the one particular room while the waste on yellow dustbin must be put on the field near the parking area in which the large hole to prouce kompos there. The kompos from the organic waste will be very useful for the environment in the school because kompos will make all the plant in the school more fertile.


the waste from unorganic dustbin can be managed by the following steps. On friday in the after school, besides cleaning the school environment, students must be organize the unorganic waste based on the materials they are for example plastic with plastic and bottle with bottle, metal with metal, etc. After that, students together with the school member can give it freely to “pemulung” who lived around the school, but not all. The rest of the unorganic waste might be used for hand-made things in “kesenian” subject. So, teacher of kesenian should develop their learning program by also using the benefit of unorganic materials. The hand-made things made from unorganic materials might be support the need of students association (OSIS) in money if they sell it when they need money for their event. 

In sum, all the way above to manage the waste of my school might be apllicable also in all school in Indonesia. Hopefully you guys get something from the idea that might be applicable in my school to manage the waste in order to make the clean and comfortable environment for studying and make our earth greener.   
Bye bye :D 

Saturday, April 6, 2013


Hy guys!
Welcome back still in Italy's blog :)
Now, I want to share to you about the museum and library of Italy.
For you who like reading and history, I will mention where the famous library and museum in Italy.

Italy is very rich in important library collections. 
Among the largest and most valuable libraries are the national libraries in Florence, Naples, and Rome

Several universities also have large libraries.  
the inside of Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale
Manuscripts and incunabula are found in most Italian cities.

World-famous art collections are housed in numerous Italian cities.
the inside of Biblioteca Nazionale di Rome

Among the most important art museums are:
The Uffizi Gallery and Pitti Palace in Florence

 The National Museum in Naples

 in Rome, The Capitoline Museums

 The Galleria Borghese

and The Villa Giulia

Vatican City has important art collections in its museums and chapels. 
The most famous of  is The Sistine Chapel.

Thankyou for your visitting ;)(:

Friday, March 29, 2013


Hey guys, in this post I will tell you a short funny story about the child who is talking to his mother.
let's check :)
                                THE CHILD AND HIS MOTHER

The curious child was talking to his mother.

He asked to his mother, "Mommy, why some of your hair turning grey?" 
And the mother said, "it's because of you dear. Every bad action of yours will turn one of my hairs grey!!"

Then. the child replied, "Okay, now i know why grandmother has only grey hairs on her head."

Thankyou guys, for your attention. (;

Tuesday, March 26, 2013


Hello everyone, see again with me on wonderful blog about Italy. 
Now in this post, i will share to you about education aspect of Italy. 
Do you want to know more, guys? 
Alright! Please check this one out!

During the Middle Ages, Italian universities became the model for other countries. In addition, Italy was the teacher of the liberal arts to all Europe, especially for Greek language and literature. The educational influence of Italy continued when universities on Italy were European centers of teaching and research in the sciences. The biggest achievement in education world of Italy was when Italian education regained international notice in the 20th century about the method for teaching young children developed by Maria Montessori.
The modern educational system of Italy provide complete school system that extended from the elementary through the university levels. In 1923 the philosopher Giovanni Gentile, minister of public instruction under Benito Mussolini, promoted complete governmental control of education. 

Education is free and compulsory for all children aged 6 through 14. The compulsory term includes five years of elementary and three years of secondary education. From the ages of 14 to 18 students may attend a higher secondary school to gain specialized training or to prepare for university entrance. Higher secondary studies may be taken in classical, scientific, teacher-training, foreign language, technical, or business schools. A student may also enter an art institute or conservatory of music.

Universities in Italy are very popular worldwide. Six Italian universities were founded in the 13th century and five in the 14th. The oldest is the University of Bologna, dating from the 11th century, and the largest is the University of Rome. Moreover, there are also polytechnic institutes at Milan and Turin and several private universities. The largest private university is the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart at Milan.
one of university in Italy

Okay.. that’s all about the education of Italy. Hopefully you get so much information from it. And I hope you might be interested to study there. 
 Okay see you in the next post. Byeee ;)  

Saturday, March 9, 2013


Hello everyone..
Welcome back on my blog.
Now in this special post, I will tell you about different topic.
This is not about Italy, but I will tell you about FABEL. :D
Let's check this now..

                                                    PUSS in BOOTS


There lived young man who lived alone with his puss as a legacy from his father before died.


He complained because he think that the legacy from his father was not fair. He was so sad and poor. His cat had good idea by asking pairs of boots and bag to his master.


By using bag that his master given, puss gave rabbits to the king in the kingdom as a gift from his noble lord the marquis of Carabas which is the name that puss gave to his master. The king was very happy.


One day, the king riding his coach with his beautiful daughter. The puss stopped the coach and asked the king to help the marquis of Carabas because all of his clothes were stolen. After that, the puss asked the mowers working in the meadow to say to the king that the meadow was belong to the marquis of Carabas. Then, the puss went to the big castle where the big ogre lived. The puss asked the ogre to change into little mouse to proof the real magic power of ogre. Immediately after the ogre changed, the puss ate him.


The king was very surprised and proud because he knew that the marquis of Carabas had prosperous meadow and big castle. They had dinner together in that castle. The king liked the marquis of Carabas so much.  


The king asked the marquis of Carabas to be his son-in-law by marrying his beautiful daughter. The marquis of Carabas agreed. The puss and the marquis of Carabas lived happily ever after. It is an happy ending story.

Okay guys...
That's all the story about Puss In Boots..
Thankyou for seeing and reading my blog.. ;)
Byebye ^^ 

Friday, February 1, 2013

Culture and Religion of Italy

Hi guyssss….!!!!!!!!!! What’s up?

I want to share to you about Italy,still. On this month posting,we will talk about religion and culture of Italy.

The first topic is about the religion of Italian. 
The dominant religion of Italy is Roman Catholicism, the faith of more than 90 percent of the people. About 95 percent of Italians are baptized, and about 85 percent claim themselves to be believers as adults. Italy guarantees freedom of worship to the religious minorities, which are primarily Protestant, Muslim, and Jewish. Protestants include Waldenses, Methodists, Baptists, and Lutherans.


The second topic is about the culture and tradition of Italy. The cultural tradition of Italy is one of the richest in the world. In art, architecture, literature, music, and science, Italians have often stimulated cultural development. Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo are among the most famous painters in the history of art. Italian culture developed in many different centers. During the 20th century, Italian culture gained national and international scope. From opera to popular music, from painting to design, from cinema to fiction, Italians have continued to make outstanding contributions to culture. Many of the great Italian painters are Giotto, Fra Angelico, Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael.Moreove,Famous Italian composers, such as Antonio Vivaldi, Gaetano Donizetti, Giacomo Puccini. Italian contributions to 20th-century culture came from motion-picture directors such as Roberto Rossellini, Vittorio de Sica, Federico Fellini, and Bernardo Bertolucci; artists such as Sandro Chia, Giorgio de Chirico, and Giacomo Manzu; writers such as Alberto Moravia, Italo Calvino, and opera singers such as Enrico Caruso, Renate Tebaldi, and Luciano Pavarotti.

 That is all about culture and religion of Italy. Hopefully you like it. Alright, see you on the next post with new topic.Byeee ;)

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